


Shake Up Your Prayer Life Ebook

If your prayers feel dull and lifeless... if you ever wonder if God even hears you... if you just need to shake things up a bit... this is for you. This short book will provide you with 5 keys to breaking out of your rut and connecting with God. And it's absolutely FREE.

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5-Day Prayer Shake Up 

This series, designed to be used in conjunction with Shake Up Your Prayer Life, will walk you through 5 tools to help revitalize your prayer life. The daily emails will provide accountability and encouragement, and the bonus materials will help you implement what you've learned and better connect with God.

Join us today and shake up your prayer life!

Cost: $10

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10 Days of Praying for Your Kids

We want to intercede for our children and connect with their Heavenly Father, but too often we find ourselves praying the same, lifeless requests for good days and safety—or worse, not at all!

This series will walk you through 10 days of prayers for our children taken straight from God's Word. BONUS: You'll also receive a list of 30 things to pray for your children with Scripture references!

Cost: $15

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28 Days Closer Challenge 

What is that ONE THING you want to seek God for? What if you committed to spending 28 days in concentrated, focused prayer for it—with a little help from a friend?

Over the course of four weeks, you'll receive a daily email as we seek the Lord in prayer, offering up to Him the deepest desire/concern on our hearts. By the end of the 28 days, we WILL be that much closer. Closer to the Lord. Closer to knowing His will. Closer to His heart.

Cost: $30

Enroll now!

Hi! I'm Katy, and I want to help you connect with God through prayer.

"I know it sounds crazy," I told my husband, "but I feel like God is leading me to go on a daily prayer walk."

And with those words, I started on a journey that completely revitalized my prayer life.

Over the last several years, I have learned to engage with God in prayer in deep, meaningful ways using tools like praying Scripture, prayer walks, fasting, and more. And I want you to experience this same depth of relationship that I have gained.

That's why I started the Powerful Prayers series. Each set will help you to focus on an aspect of your prayer life. Maybe you just need to break out of your rut and try some new tools, maybe you need the accountability that comes with a daily check-in, or maybe there's a specific request or topic you want to focus on for a while. Whatever it is, I can't wait to help you experience the power of effective prayer!

Want to read more from Katy?

Check out her blog to continue reading about life on purpose, significance, and more!