Not good enough: Finding freedom in the midst of our faults good enough identity purpose weakness

As an adoptee, I’ve spent many an hour wondering about nature versus nurture. What traits have I inherited? What have I learned from my environment? What makes me who I am? In other words, who do I have to thank—or blame —for me?

These questions became even more poignant as...

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Finding your life purpose might be simpler than you think catechism glorify god identity purpose

A few years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to teach my kids the Westminster shorter catechism. And it would have been a good idea, actually, but my enthusiasm fizzled out quickly. (In case you were under the delusion that I have it all together as a parent, rest assured. I...

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The TRUE me, part 5: Youā€™ve got this! created to be deep thoughts goals identity inspiration loving jesus resolutions true me wisdom

This is part 5 of The TRUE me: A new approach to goal settingWhile each piece can be enjoyed individually, please check out the earlier parts for a complete picture!

It was a beautiful winter morning when I sat down to write my mission statement. Jon and I had plans the night...

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